Airing out my hired Project 62 on the larger than normal left shoulder
i FINALLY got there!! after attending the ashlu river festival i bumped into a couple of sheep shagging boys from new zealend, Hamish and Roger. instantly hitting it off with our southern antics we made the mission up to skooks happen, hiring boats and making the 2 1/2 hour pilgremidge up to egmont. we paddled out early on the outgoing tide hoping to catch some last minute skooks action, it was not to be, forcing us to fall asleep in the hot sun for 8 hours slowly watching the tide turn and growing steadily more excited as the wave quickly began to build. 11 knots is meant to be the critical number but we had struck it at 14.3 which ment for bigger than normal airtime and also bigger than normal DOWN time in the huge whirlpools directly behind the wave. i was luckey enough not to have to go on tour through them the whole 2 days we were there but hamish racked up 11 (12 if you count trying to ride 'Tube steak' the large barreling wave further out in the channel and getting substantially beaten!)
Aint no donkey flips here colin!! airscrews the flavour of the day for pretty much every boater willing to huck!!
paddling with us was some pretty amazing boaters from the states. a jackson sponsored pro-boater, and ex member of World class kayak accadamy and also a very tall, very crazy "Fluid' Boater called Leath, who kept us all entertained with his outrageoues humour and mullet'leath' green grinding out a surging skook's
Also got some great shots from a proffesional kayak photographer "James Fullbright" who was out the boating taking some of the most amazing shots i have ever seen!!
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